Are you getting enough?

Recovery Through Sleep Sharing an article I came across whilst researching approaches to recovery. Original article on Training Peaks and by Simon Wegerif, 2020 Simon Wegerif explains how proper sleep habits affects training and recovery, and how to make the most of your sleep. Sleep is one of the main mechanism by which the body…

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Recovery Techniques For Athletes (Masters Rowers)

Original article written by Dr Shona L Halson, Department of Physiology, Australian Institute of Sport, and re-posted with permission. Image, Mark Sisson 2020. High performance sport and the importance of successful performances have led athletes and coaches to continually seek any advantage or edge that may improve performance. It follows that the rate and quality of recovery is…

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How Alcohol Impacts Your Sleep

One of the things I’ve been experimenting with, over the last 8-weeks, is measuring and tracking my Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Morning Resting Heart Rate (MRHR). I’m doing this to understand how I am recovering from training and day-to-day stress. I’ve been really surprised at the impact of a couple of glasses of wine…

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What is Heart Rate Variability (HRV)?

Sharing exerts from original articles on HRV, published on Harvard University Health Blog (2017) and Oura website 2020. What is HRV? As popular as the metaphor may be, a healthy heart doesn’t beat as regularly as a metronome—it actually changes its rhythm with each beat. This constant variation in milliseconds between your heartbeats is known…

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